<aside> 📌 This page provides an overview of the “Community of Sustainability Professionals” for those interested in joining the community as a member. We are currently in the process of moving content to a new website.




The community was found in March 2021, when the founder tweeted on his personal account to call for gathering a voluntary-based sustainable community. ▶Twitter account (Japanese)



<aside> ‼️ Note: Why the emphasis on participation as "individuals"? In official settings, what you say may be perceived as the representative voice of the organization you belong to, which sometimes makes it difficult for people to speak candidly. We aim to create a space where participants can openly share their thoughts and feelings with each other to discuss topics related to sustainability.


<aside> ‼️ Note: What is the intention behind the Mutual Learning model? Mutual Learning refers to the sharing of members' knowledge and experiences with others so that each person can acquire new ways of thinking and transform his/her behavior. This community emphasizes interaction among members, rather than a one-way learning model of teacher and student.



<aside> 📔 Overview about the community


Online Community Empowering Businesses to Embrace Sustainability by EcoNetworks


<aside> 🙂 Interview of the Founder, Yamaji


Understanding the Difference: Corporate Sustainability vs. Sustainability Consulting [Interview Part 2] by @bility_climate
